On 11-12 December 2018, three students from Accounting Department FEB UNDIP, which were Fransiska Sonia Rickiyanto (Accounting 2015), Sarah Nabila (Accounting 2015), and Ursula Sinawang Trufvisa (Accounting 2015) presented their paper in National Symposium of...
Lecturers of Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business have just attended workshop on Audit and Data Analytics using Arbutus for two full days on 6-7 December 2018 using Arbutus Analyzer. The instructor for this event is Mr. Yoharto Yang, the senior...
Lecturers of Department of Accounting just held a workshop on learning process evaluation which was held 3 days on 16 – 18 November 2018 at Grand Wahid Hotel Salatiga. The event that was attended by most lecturers of Department of Accounting discussed many issues...
Accounting Forum on 23 November 2018 was slightly different. Rather than discussing the accounting or auditing technicalities, per se, this forum discussed the impact of block chain technology on Accounting and Auditing. Or Islamic institutions to be precise. Mr....