oleh akuntansifeb | Des 28, 2018 | Agenda
Lecturers of Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business have just attended workshop on Audit and Data Analytics using Arbutus for two full days on 6-7 December 2018 using Arbutus Analyzer. The instructor for this event is Mr. Yoharto Yang, the senior...
oleh akuntansifeb | Nov 23, 2018 | Agenda
Accounting Forum pada 23 November 2018 sedikit berbeda. Daripada membahas teknis akuntansi atau audit, forum ini membahas dampak teknologi rantai blok pada Akuntansi dan Audit. Atau institusi Islam lebih tepatnya. Bpk. Adityawarman, SE., M.Acc., Ak. menjelaskan dengan...
oleh akuntansifeb | Nov 1, 2018 | Agenda
Prof. Andreas Lako and Mr. Nur Abdillah, M.Si., have just elaborated the substantial and important issues on green accounting and risk based auditing to more than 80 audience in Hall Gedung C, Faculty of Economics and Business, UNDIP on 26 October 2018. Prof....
oleh akuntansifeb | Okt 22, 2018 | Agenda
Two prominent speakers will be joining in next accounting forum: Prof. Andreas Lako from Unika Soegiyopranoto and Nur Abdillah, Executive Director of Indonesian Institute of Accountant. Mr Abdillah will be elaborating the importance of risk-based internal audit that...
oleh akuntansifeb | Okt 22, 2018 | Agenda
As GoT put it in its remark: “Winter is coming…” Similarly Finance organization transformation is coming. That was the first thing that was elaborated by Mr. Beni Edmunandar, Consulting Director of Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC), 21 September 2018...
oleh akuntansifeb | Sep 18, 2018 | Agenda
Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Diponegoro, on 31 August 2018 once again organized a seminar regarding Indonesian Accounting Standard for Non-publicly-Accountable Entitites (Standar Akuntansi Keuangan – Entitas Tanpa...