The Accounting Study Program FEB Undip sent its lecturers to take part in the XXV Kendari National Accounting Symposium (SNA) on 7-9 September 2022 in a hybrid way (20 people participated online and 5 offline). SNA XXV has the theme “Opportunities and Challenges of the Accountant Profession in the Era of Digitalization Towards a Sustainable Advanced Indonesia.” The host of this year’s SNA is Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Halu Oleo University.
SNA is an annual routine activity organized by the Indonesian Institute of Accountants, especially the Kompartemen Akuntan Pendidik (IAI-KAPd). In this SNA, a research competition was held which was participated by educators, researchers, students, and practitioners. Selected papers are then presented in a parallel session. This year’s SNA also organizes scientific forums, field of study forums, seminars, panel discussions, as well as meetings of managements and members of IAI-KAPd.