Announcement of the Computer Based Comprehensive Exam ( February 21, 2023)

The following is a list of names of participants in the comprehensive examination of students of the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program which will be held on Tuesday, 21 February 2023at the Laboratory Building of the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program, EL Room. 3.07:

Participants Tuesday, 21 February 2023
09 Am
Number  Name  NIM
1 Vicky Sumarsono 12030118120104
2 Akram Fauzan 12030119140159
3 Kezia Stefany 1203011613013
4 Herlian Rizki Widyatama 12030117140212
5 Yasmin Yumnaa Tsuroyya 12030119130112
6 Ermalyani Margaret 12030119140268
7 Jovan Axel 12030119130094
8 Muh Nasrullah Ramadhan 12030118140124
9 Yaumil Fath 12030116140088
10 Muhammad Daffa Muthi Fadhali 12030119130195
11 Daniel 12030117140222
12 Selina Aulia Azahra 12030119130189
13 Nurul fauziah 12030117140184
14 Emmanuel Bagas 12030117130114
15 RANIA MUADAH 12030119130072
16 Fauziyya Agustina Hakiki 12030119140284
17 Khalda Kultsum Salsabila Rilanto 12030119130224
18 Ahmad Hafidz Fikri Azhar 12030119140134
19 Khuriyatul Farida 12030117140149
20 Yasmine Diva Latifa 12030119130180
21 hilmansyah 12030119120007
22 Mochammad Aziz Ghoffar 12030119140129

Posted on

February 17, 2023