Announcement of the Computer Based Comprehensive Exam (March 2, 2023)

The following is a list of names of participants in the comprehensive examination of students of the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program which will be held on Thursday, 02 March 2023at the Laboratory Building of the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program, EL Room. 3.07:

Participants Thursday, March 2, 2023
09 Am 11 Am
Number  Name  NIM Number  Name NIM
1 Shela Nur Fajriya 12030119130198 1 Akram Fauzan 12030119140159
2 Mochammad adhitya sukmadinata 12030119130081 2 Ezar Zachary 12030119130261
3 Rusita Aprilla 12030118140212 3 Raymonth Pieter Silaen 12030119120014
4 Dimas Farizki 12030118140215 4 Timoer Warih Rianggara 12030119130219
5 Fiiraudhatil Jannah 12030119120066 5 Irkham karunia aji 12030119190254
6 Theofilus Kristian Besir 12030119130115 6 Valiant Darma Pangentas 12030119140233
7 Kevin Nicholas Sirait 12030119130126 7 Gabiel Gesa Widi Purnomo 12030118130164
8 Dean Dwi Mahendra 12030118120047 8 Khaira Aqliya 12030119130271
9 Muhammad Jason Novaldhi 12030119190290 9 Muhammad Faisal Dwi Amartiya 12030119130243
10 Kesia Athania Purba 12030119130124 10 Muhammad Izzatul Haq 12030119130237
11 Zafara Luthfiyyah 12030119120012 11 Tri Cahyo Bagaskara 12030119130213
12 Shafira Dikla Wijaya 12030119130220 12 David Brotoseno Sukarnojati 12030119130104
13 Afita Rizki 12030119130264 13 Dicky Hanif Kusuma 12030119140110
14 Reza Cahya Eka Suci 12030119120010 14 Syauqi Taufiqurrohman 12030119120031
15 Fadilah Widad Alifah 12030119130179 15 Fauzan Ghairil Admiral 12030119140140
16 Nabil Tsaqif Fadhlurahman 12030119130113 16 Gian Pahala Tadore Simamora 12030119130130
17 Nurul Aulia Rohmah 12030119130116 17 Hipolitus Hamonangan Rumahorbo 12030119130125
18 Rifwana Sukmadani 12030119120062 18 Kanita Febrianty 12030118190182
19 Nurul fauziah 12030117140184 19 Eristo Chesa Rinenggo 12030118140257
20 Qonita Mei Sari 12030119130136 20 Rizky abdiarsa prayoga 12030119190296

Posted on

March 1, 2023