The following is a list of names of participants in the comprehensive examination of students of the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program which will be held on Tuesday, 28 November 2023. at the Laboratory Building of the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program, EL Room. 3.07:
Participants Tuesday, 28 November 2023 | ||||||
09 Am | 11 Am | |||||
Ref. | Name | NIM | Ref. | Name | NIM | |
1 | Shella Maylina Putri | 12030120130214 | 1 | Muhammad Ashaki Yudhatama | 12030120140143 | |
2 | Ardita Tri Permatasari | 12030120140282 | 2 | Agustin Prasetyowati | 12030120120064 | |
3 | Achmad Rifa’i | 12030120140257 | 3 | Salsabila Zahra Hafizh | 12030120120050 | |
4 | Aldhea Kusuma Putri | 12030120130271 | 4 | Marsa Fatin Najla’ | 12030120140243 | |
5 | Puti permata zahra | 12030120140248 | 5 | Bayu Rachmandhika | 12030120140134 | |
6 | Agnes Larissa Rebeka Nababan | 12030120120007 | 6 | Hasnan Hakim | 12030120130197 | |
7 | Hana Jovita Raharjo | 12030120140341 | 7 | Magenta Rahma U S | 12030117140206 | |
8 | Atizah Febriani Rafifah Rasyid | 12030120110104 | 8 | Monica Girsang | 12030117120030 | |
9 | Hafid Mustakim | 12030120130195 | 9 | Hari Prasetyo | 12030119190285 | |
10 | Anisha Rahmawati | 12030120140329 | 10 | Agung Ales Sanrio Pandiangan | 12030120140328 | |
11 | Azusma Maharani | 12030120120018 | 11 | Bayu Fangestu | 12030120130117 | |
12 | Eriqqa Hasanatunisa | 12030120120028 | 12 | Fauzan Aunur Rohman | 12030120140103 | |
13 | Nurul Indriani | 12030119120046 | 13 | Michael Josephano Limbong | 12030120140132 | |
14 | Martin Bonaraja Simamora | 12030118130168 | 14 | Muhammad Heydar Aly | 12030120140232 | |
15 | Faza Zanuba Khofsoh | 12030120140102 | 15 | Nadya Khairunnisa Budiarto | 12030120140344 | |
16 | Arista Aulia Bagaskara | 12030118130277 | 16 | Nazhwa Azzahra Rivana Nasution | 12030120140140 | |
17 | Yohanes Agung Wicaksana | 12030120140348 | 17 | Alief Pramestia | 12030120130135 | |
18 | Gestiara Ciptaningsih | 12030120120055 | 18 | Ariska Ardina Putri | 12030120120067 | |
19 | Ivana Devona | 12030120130287 | 19 | Ika Trisnawati Suprojo | 12030120140327 | |
20 | Yoshandi Suharto | 12030120130141 | 20 | Fathiyya Reihana Aqilla Nugafira | 12030120130203 |