The Bachelor of Accounting Program (BAP) is one of the study programs in Faculty of Economics and Business at Universitas Diponegoro (Undip), that continuously offer accounting education since 1984. The main vision of BAP is to become a center of excellence in accounting in Indonesia by integrating the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi (Three Pillars of Higher Education comprising Education, Research and Community Service) in order to producing highly competitive graduates and fostering the highly conducive academic climate. The Bachelor of Accounting Program always strives to provide quality education in order to prepare graduates who are highly competent and competitive. The acknowledgment for the delivery of such quality education is evidenced by the success of obtaining an “A” accreditation rating from the Indonesia National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (BAN-PT). The most recent accreditation was obtained in 2019, valid for the next five years. Besides regular education programs, the Accounting Study Program has also offered international undergraduate programs since 2016. The international programs have graduated students with double degrees, collaborating with partner universities from the Netherlands, Australia, among others. The BAP has also produced highly regarded alumni that also proves the wide acceptance of BAP’s graduates.