Announcement of the Computer Based Comprehensive Exam (27 Februari 2024)

The following is a list of names of participants in the comprehensive examination of students of the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program which will be held on Tuesday, 27 Februari 2024at the Laboratory Building of the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program, EL Room. 3.07:

Participants Tuesday, 27 Februari  2024
09 Am
Ref. Name  NIM
1 Carissa Alliyah Nareswari Kusnadi 12030120190081
2 Alicia Rosa Madya 12030120130238
3 Salsabila Nadiah Wibowo 12030120120051
4 Sondang Sonia 12030120140335
5 Enisa Ayu Putri 12030120140303
6 Salsabilla Dinta Aulia Azzahra’ 12030120140225
7 Jovan Christian Tambunan 12030120130293
8 Arista Aulia Bagaskara 12030118130277
9 Shafaa Saniyya Rissanty 12030120140138
10 Nurhaliza Maridha Shofa 12030120140181
11 Wilda Destrilindo 12030120140159
12 Mega Febrianti 12030120140187
13 jais muhammad firdaus 12030120190095
14 Athaya Hekmatiar Sutarman 12030120130254
15 Thirza Ronaa Rachmawati 12030120140204
16 Lailatul ‘Aziizah 12030120120002
17 Muhammad Irfan Majid 12030118140262
18 Rayendra Tegar Baruna 12030119130144
19 Dimas Farizki 12030118140215
20 Tasya Purnama Sari Br. Simbolon 12030120130176
21 Najwa Safanja Ghossani 12030120140334
22 Triyana 12030119130099

Posted on

January 31, 2024