Announcement of the Computer Based Comprehensive Exam (December 29, 2022)

The following is a list of names of participants in the comprehensive examination of students of the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program which will be held on Thrusday, December 29, 2022 at the Laboratory Building of the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program, EL Room. 3.07:

Participants Thrusday, 29 Desember 2022
9 am 11 am
Number  Name NIM Number Name NIM
1 Hikmaniyah 12030118120085 1 Faizah Nikmatur Rohmah 12030119120067
2 Muh Nasrullah Ramadhan 12030118140124 2 Septiana Lutfia 12030119140281
3 Gilbert Pane 12030118140130 3 Erva Hamidah 12030119120055
4 Adrian Yohanes 12030118140193 4 Lula Salwa Dinah 12030119140167
5 Magenta Rahma U S 12030117140206 5 Eko Wahyu Pratomo 12030118140224
6 Hanifa Fadhilah 12030119130185 6 Daniel 12030117140222
7 Mochammad Aziz Ghoffar 12030119149129 7 Emila Ajie Widyasari 12030119130255
8 Brenda Rianita Hapsari 12030119130222 8 Febrita Dyaning Ratri 12030119140207
9 Natasha Vania Susanto 12030119120069 9 Rahmatillah Noveza Rahmi 12030119130143
10 Julia Carissa Putri Sihite 12030119130158 10 Fauziyya Agustina Hakiki 12030119140284
11 Rafaela Nadira Sudiro 12030119130132 11 Yaumil Fath 12030116140088
12 Tika Kusuma Sari 12030119130241 12 hafizh dzahabi 12030116130195
13 Aulidhea Rania 12030118130148 13 Arista K. 12030116140093
14 Hilmansyah 12030119120007 14 Rifwana Sukmadani 12030119120062
15 Putri Adilla Rachmasetia 12030119140206 15 Kharisma Yosi Noviana 12030119120021
16 Galuh Try Anggono 12030117140193
17 Nur Laily Maghfiroh 12030119130093
18 Nur Fatkhiyah 12030119130230
19 Sherli Alresta Ramadhani 12030119120047
20 Vivi Mardahlia 12030119140253

Posted on

December 20, 2022