Current edition of Accounting Forum promote topic of problem solving skills for accountant. This skill is a very important in accounting and managerial works. In this occasion students were introduced by presenter with basic framework for problem solving and also insights regarding the important of this skill in business practices. “We must do –listen-ask and confrm – before we can understand problem faced by our clients. So that, we can formulate the best recommendation to our clients,” according to presenter. At the end part of presentation students were provided with mini exercises and experience sharing. This topic was presented by Marga Anugrah SE, MBA, an consultant at McKensey – a world’s leading consulting company. Marga earned his Bachelor in Accounting at  Undip and MBA degree from Spain. He has ever taken master degree exchange at Wharton Business School, University of Pennsylvania, USA. The event was hosted by Dr Endang Kiswara and attended by Accounting students from various batches.