The Student Organization Capacity Building Program (Program Penguatan Kapasitas Organisasi Mahasiswa/PPK Ormawa) BEM FEB Undip carried out a breakthrough movement in the form of village development. The coaching is in collaboration with the people of Kemambang Village, Semarang Regency, Central Java. The program runs from September to December 2022. The team is led by Marhawa Marir, a student of the Accounting Study Program.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Kemambang Village had several problems, especially lack of knowledge as a result of the transition from online to offline activities after the pandemic. Starting from the restriction of activities outside the home to the use of technology when activities are completely online.

In its activities, the PPK BEM FEB Undip Team presented 5 main programs, namely Srawung Wirausaha, Bridging Campus, Education House, Cultural Treasures, and Sitaring Group. In addition to being intended for coaching, the five programs are also a reflection of the implementation of the Tri Dharma of higher education and efforts to achieve sustainable development targets through the role of students.

The PPK Ormawa BEM FEB team hopes that the local community can be further encouraged by the economy and its socio-cultural conditions. “(I hope) what we have designed and done for the community, namely coaching activities can produce independent Kemambang village communities, the literacy level of the community, especially children, increases the community’s economy through self-employment, sustainable culture and can be a source of income and create an empowered village community!” said Lutfi Hidayat, Head of the Somaliah BEM FEB Undip and a member of the PPK Ormawa BEM FEB Team (by: Marhawa Marir)