Knowledge Sharing

Knowledge Sharing

Astra International Tbk akan mengadakan sharing pengetahuan secara virtual kepada mahasiswa Akuntansi Universitas Diponegoro pada 5 November 2020. Astra International Tbk. akan memberikan wawasan kepada mahasiswa mengenai karir sebagai auditor internal dan analis...

Announcement Of Undergraduate Thesis Supervisor

ANNOUNCEMENT OF UNDERGRADUATE THESIS SUPERVISORS FIRST TERM OF 2020/2021 No. : 019/UN7.5.2.4/S1.Ak/2020   We hereby announce the list of students and their thesis supervisors (in appendix) for KIPS application in first term of 2020/2021 academic year. Those...

Announcement Of Undergraduate Thesis Supervisor

We hereby announce the list of students and their thesis supervisors (in appendix) for KIPS application in second term of 2019/2020 academic year. Those students are required to immediately contact their respective supervisor no later than 2 (two) weeks after the...

Mekanisme Pengajuan Ujian dan Penyampaian Artikel

Selama wabah COVID-19 ini, dengan ini kami menginformasikan kepada seluruh mahasiswa akuntansi bahwa ada beberapa perubahan dalam proses administrasi pengajuan ujian dan pengiriman artikel di penerbit lokal atau eksternal kami. Temukan proses administrasi seperti di...