On 11-12 December 2018, three students from Accounting Department FEB UNDIP, which were Fransiska Sonia Rickiyanto (Accounting 2015), Sarah Nabila (Accounting 2015), and Ursula Sinawang Trufvisa (Accounting 2015) presented their paper in National Symposium of Accounting Students (SIMPONAS 2018) that was held by the Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants (IAI) in Balai Kartini, Jakarta. This team was accompanied by Mutiara Tresna SE, M.Si, Ak, lecturer of UNDIP Accounting Department.

SIMPONAS is being one of the series of event in the 13th National Congress of IAI and celebration of the 61st IAI Anniversary, where it can be a platform for Indonesia’s accounting students to exchange thoughts and ideas about professional accountant.

SIMPONAS finalists are selected based on the submitted paper. There were 4 themes available, and the teams of Top 3 Papers from each theme were invited by IAI to present their paper in SIMPONAS 2018. Finalists had golden opportunity to meet President of Republic Indonesia (Ir. Joko Widodo), Finance Minister of Republic Indonesia (Dr. Sri Mulyani Indrawati), President of International Federation of Accountants (In-Ki Joo), and other inspiring people in that event.

UNDIP team was becoming one of the presenters to present its paper at the first session of the symposium, together with Gadjah Mada University (UGM) and Indonesian Islamic University (UII). As the prizes, each of the Top 12 team members was awarded Chartered Accountant (CA) examination scholarship and became the young members of IAI.