Announcement of the Computer Based Comprehensive Exam (21 March 2024)

The following is a list of names of participants in the comprehensive examination of students of the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program which will be held on Thursday, 21 March 2024at the Laboratory Building of the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program, EL Room. 3.07:

Participants Thursday, 21 March 2024
09 Am
Ref. Name NIM
1 Mochamad Himawan 12030120140166
2 Sabiya Assakhaa Wisesa 12030120140319
3 Joseph Aurel Pradipta Wicaksono 12030120140312
4 Yudha Pranata 12030119120054
5 Bayu Fangestu 12030120130117
6 Aditya Yuan Widyatama 12030120130152
7 Adyguna Ilham Dewantono 12030120140168
8 Michael Josephano Limbong 12030120140132
9 Muhammad Heydar Aly 12030120140232
10 Muhammad Faruq Hanifuddin 12030119130257
11 Alfanadia Putri Gracia Saragih 12030117140165
12 Ilmi Amali Arafah 12030120190070
13 Alfanadia Putri Gracia Saragih 12030117140165
14 Puti permata zahr 12030120140248
15 Nur Riyah Fatimah 12030120140249
16 Agfanesa Oktananda 12030121120051
17 Dani Bagus Hariyanto 12030120140246
18 Agusman Reinaldo Butar Butar 12030120130155
19 Tasya Purnama Sari Br. Simbolon 12030120130176
20 Tjia, Gleen Theresia 12030120130200
21 Yoshandi Suharto 12030120130141

Posted on

March 13, 2024