The following is a list of names of participants in the comprehensive examination of students of the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program which will be held on Thrusday, 21 November 2024. at the Laboratory Building of the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program, EL Room. 3.07:
Participants Thrusday, 21 November 2024 | ||||||
09 Am | 11 Am | |||||
Ref. | Name | NIM | Ref. | Name | NIM | |
1 | Paris Pebrian Sirait | 12030121140211 | 1 | Fasya Fadilla | 12030120140267 | |
2 | Riyo Dimas Saputro | 12030121130187 | 2 | Arief Aqli Fahriza Nasution | 12030121120056 | |
3 | Reichan Beregova Pribadi | 12030121130129 | 3 | Tegar Ananta Yudha | 12030121130139 | |
4 | Julius Khrisna Pratama | 12030121140271 | 4 | Adzana Rakhmania Putri | 12030121130144 | |
5 | IRFAN MAULANA FIRDAUS | 12030121130161 | 5 | Ananta Riantori Akhmad | 12030121120002 | |
6 | Mohamad Taufan Akbar Fahrudin | 12030121140331 | 6 | Aliyya Puspitasari Setyo Budhi | 12030121140252 | |
7 | Akbar Adelio Hasiholan | 12030121140223 | 7 | Azka Nabila | 12030121140198 | |
8 | Ikhsandhy Wisaksono | 12030121190089 | 8 | Muhammad Dwiki Firmansyah | 12030120140314 | |
9 | Faizal Ardhiansyah | 12030121130167 | 9 | Muhamad Jahfal Aufa Abrar | 12030120120010 | |
10 | Ichfa Aulia Yahya | 12030121140352 | 10 | Achmad Viki Rainoris | 12030121140259 | |
11 | Aulia Az-zahara | 12030121120072 | 11 | Naisya Nanda Pratiwi | 12030121120001 | |
12 | Edwitha Rahma Putri Maharani | 12030121130148 | 12 | Thival Alvahlevi | 12030121140245 | |
13 | Ananda Kurnia Mulyatno | 12030121130173 | 13 | Dewi Handayani | 12030121120007 | |
14 | Faizal Rizki Asmoro | 12030121120063 | 14 | Virzelia Ninetta Sujarto | 12030120190088 | |
15 | Faizah Afifah | 12030120140308 | 15 | Nur Riyah Fatimah | 12030120140249 | |
16 | Sisferdi Cahya | 12030121140257 | 16 | Rihhadatul Auliya | 12030121120008 | |
17 | Rifka Annur Lestari | 12030121120036 | 17 | Callasaro Sispa | 12030121120067 | |
18 | Tazkia Rufaida | 12030121120058 | 18 | Ira Hutahayan | 12030121120046 | |
19 | Risma Minarti Simbolon | 12030119120061 | 19 | Tantri Napitupulu | 12030121130125 | |
20 | Solagratia Getrich Audoia Purba | 12030121130171 | 20 | Sonayanti | 12030121120004 |