Announcement of the Computer Based Comprehensive Exam (24 Oktober 2024)

The following is a list of names of participants in the comprehensive examination of students of the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program which will be held on Thusrday, 24 Oktober 2024at the Laboratory Building of the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program, EL Room. 3.07:

Participants Thusrday, 24 Oktober 2024
09 Am
Ref. Name NIM
1 Achmad Rafliansyah Iskandar 12030121140208
2 Farhan Muhammad 12030121130117
3 Yasmine Nabiha Larasati 12030119130194
4 Velika Calista 12030121130128
5 Ardewangga Bagas Nugraha 12030119140205
6 Tuti Agus Setiani 12030121120022
7 Yerika Desriani Surbakti 12030121140192
8 Annisa Yustika Sari 12030121140315
9 Muhammad Irfan Nugraha 12030121140241
10 Maria Cita Verene Gunadi 12030121140299
11 Zulfa Zaizafania 12030121140335
12 Shatyana Aika Indryani 12030121130111
13 Aulia Dwi Paresti 12030121140263
14 Agung Ales Sanrio Pandiangan 12030120140328
15 Timoer Warih Rianggara 12030119130219
16 Muhammad Alfhi Cahaya Mahardika 12030121130170
17 Falah Listyasabila 12030121140256
18 Muhammad Dafin Arkan Kusumo 12030120140153
19 Cecilia Gabriela Anastasya 12030121130110
20 Naufal Aghniawan Defianto 12030121130176
21 Aldryan Rafi Chandra Alim 12030121140278
22 Saffana Aviola 12030119140249

Posted on

September 26, 2024