Announcement of the Computer Based Comprehensive Exam (26 September 2023)

The following is a list of names of participants in the comprehensive examination of students of the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program which will be held on Tuesday, 26 September 2023at the Laboratory Building of the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program, EL Room. 3.07:

Participants Tuesday, 26 September 2023
09 An 11 Am
Ref Name  NIM Ref Name  NIM
1 Akram Fauzan 12030119140159 1 Salma Pinkan Azalia 12030120130284
2 Laras Audita 12030120140309 2 Timoer Warih Rianggara 12030119130219
3 Farah Labibah Caseba 12030120140205 3 Muhammad Shalahuddin Miftah 12030120110106
4 Daniel 12030117140222 4 Diki Wahyudi 12030120130157
5 Alicia Saphira 12030120140101 5 Anisa Eka Askiantari 12030119140172
6 Arissa Novianti Dewi 12030120130295 6 Robert Frontier Gultom 12030120120036
7 Nani Yulia Sepcandini 12030120140119 7 Rizka Fadilla Rahmawati 12030120120035
8 Puti permata zahra 12030120140248 8 Ryandiko Yudotomo 12030120140251
9 Jessica Audrey Santoso 12030120140123 9 Achmad Rifa’i 12030120140257
10 Putri vraza ayunda 12030120130288 10 Guhti Muhammad Sirmu 12030120140165
11 Langgeng Rizky Rahmanda 12030120140316 11 Bethari A 12030119120038
12 Bagas Dewo Mughni 12030120130234 12 Safira Azra Larasati 12030119190098
13 Felix Tanjaya 12030117130137 13 Titis Aulia Rahma 12030119120005
14 Valentinus Arjuna Budiharto 12030120140183 14 Kevin Nicholas Sirait 12030119130126
15 Nabillah Yutni Huwaidah 12030120140264 15 Floppysta 12030117120017
16 Hana Jovita Raharjo 12030120140341
17 Aprilia Dwi Anggraini 12030120140211
18 Magenta Rahma U S 12030117140206
19 Linda Septie Noormawati 12030119130182
20 Dianna Ersadarih Barus 12030119120008

Posted on

September 13, 2023