Announcement of the Computer Based Comprehensive Exam (January 03, 2023)

The following is a list of names of participants in the comprehensive examination of students of the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program which will be held on Tuesday, January 03 2023 at the Laboratory Building of the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program, EL Room. 3.07:

Participants Teusday, January 03 2023
09 Am 11 am
Number Name  NIM Number Name  NIM
1 Afri Damayanti 12030118120081 1 Muh Nasrullah Ramadhan 1203011814012
2 Tiodora Theresa Horas Br Manurung 12030119130102 2 Julia Carissa Putri Sihite 12030119130158
3 Devita Puspitasari 12030119130108 3 Natasha Vania Susanto 12030119120069
4 Nurul Leony Hidayati 12030119120065 4 Yaumil Fath 12030116140088
5 Izatul Mufida 12030119140227 5 Agus kurniawan 12030119140277
6 Dwi Budi Darmawan 12030119130096
7 Ghina Khoirunisa Briliany 12030118130121
8 Purnama Sari Harahap 12030118120011
9 Arfina Devinta 12030119130153
10 Muhammad Rahman Ridwan 12030117130082
11 Liana Novani Putri 12030117190232
12 Muhammad Revo Hanifan 1203017140204
13 Emmanuel Bagas 12030117130114
14 Herlian Rizki Widyatama 12030117140212
15 Safira Nur Izzaty 12030119140169
16 Vicky Sumarsono 12030118120104
17 Fernandita Hera Dianitasya 12030119140223
18 Jennifer Claverine Pratama 12030119130147
19 Aulidhea Rania 12030118130148
20 Mochammad Aziz Ghoffar 12030119140129

Posted on

December 29, 2022