Announcement of the Computer Based Comprehensive Exam (March 30, 2023)

The following is a list of names of participants in the comprehensive examination of students of the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program which will be held on Thursday, 30 March 2023at the Laboratory Building of the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program, EL Room. 3.07:

Participants Thursday, 30 Maret 2023
09 Am 11 Am
Number Name  NIM Number  Name  NIM
1 Rizky Abdiarsa Prayoga 12030119190296 1 Alpinka Amanda 12030119130196
2 Cornelius Nathanael 12030119130165 2 Laurentia Pusparianti Christianto 12030119130109
3 Putri Adilla Rachmasetia 12030119140206 3 Diptya Widyaningrum 12030119130090
4 Rahminawati Ilma 12030119110017 4 Luvina Nirmala Rahmahadi 12030119140175
5 Agnes Denira Gusti 12030119110070 5 Putri Azarya Greace 12030119130095
6 Ayu Ciptaningrum 12030119130170 6 Ignatius Alan Yudha Pradana 12030119130161
7 Vania Yuliana Indarto 12030119130087 7 Khaira Aqliya 12030119130271
8 Muhammad Jason Novaldhi 12030119190290 8 Dina Nurjannah 12030119120027
9 KEZIA STEFANY 12030116130193
10 Kira Ninda Sarasati Hidayat 12030117130152
11 Floppysta 12030117120017
12 Susan Liya Setyani 12030119130263
13 Onnmuntohar Gemilang 12030119120029
14 Muhammad Fajar Hafidz 12030119130150
15 Muhammad Raja Syuza 12030118140242
16 Bimo Wahyu Adi 12030118130199
17 Nurul Aulia Rohmah 12030119130116
18 Yossi Ruth Septianty S 12030119120060
19 Eristo Chesa Rinenggo 12030118140257
20 Tiodora Theresa Horas Br Manurung 12030119130102

Posted on

March 20, 2023