Announcement of the Computer Based Comprehensive Exam (March 7, 2023)

The following is a list of names of participants in the comprehensive examination of students of the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program which will be held on Tuesday, 07 March 2023at the Laboratory Building of the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program, EL Room. 3.07:

Participants Tuesday, March 7, 2023
9 Am 11 Am
Number  Name NIM Number  Name  NIM
1 Jovan Axel 12030119130094 1 Zafara Luthfiyyah 12030119120012
2 hilmansyah 12030119120007 2 Nurul Aulia Rohmah 12030119130116
3 Yaumil Fath 12030116140088 3 Raymonth Pieter Silaen 12030119120014
4 Moh. Nanda Putra Fahrezi 12030119110009 4 Khaira Aqliya 12030119130271
5 Vicky Sumarsono 12030118120104 5 Fauzan Ghairil Admiral 12030119140140
6 Herlian Rizki Widyatama 12030117140212 6 Hipolitus Hamonangan Rumahorbo 12030119130125
7 Hesti Kumala Sari 12030118120043 7 Eristo Chesa Rinenggo 12030118140257
8 Hari Prasetyo 12030119190285 8 Rizky Abdiarsa Prayoga 12030119190296
9 Kesia Athania Purba 12030119130124 9 Ezar Zachary 12030119130261
10 Nurul fauziah 12030117140184 10 Magenta Rahma U S 12030117140206
11 Safira Azra Larasati 12030119190098 11 Mochammad Adhitya Sukmadinata 12030119130081
12 Julfikri 12030119130117 12 Bimo Wahyu Adi 12030118130199
13 Dicky Hanif Kusuma 12030119140110 13 Rivan Afdhal 12030119130202
14 Yusuf Mahendra 12030119130164 14 Nursiti Inka Kristi Purba 12030119120064
15 Pambudi Aji Nur Setyo 12030119130118 15 Timoer Warih Rianggara 12030119130219
16 Jefika Laisa W 12030119120068 16 Muhammad Faisal Dwi Amartiya 12030119130243
17 Muhammad Akmaluddin 12030119140280 17 Alam Suprobo Suryowati 12030119120020
18 Eko Wahyu Pratomo 12030118140224 18 Kira Ninda Sarasati Hidayat 12030117130152
19 Rifwana sukmadani 12030119120062 19 Floppysta 12030117120017
20 Kevin Nicholas Sirait 12030119130126 20 Helen Sophia Siahaan 12030119120049

Posted on

March 1, 2023