Announcement of Undergraduate Thesis Supervisors First Term of 2023/2024

FIRST TERM OF 2023/2024
No. 02IUN7 .F2.6.2/ AKJIXl2023

We hereby announce the list of students and their thesis supervisors (in appendix) for KIPS
application in first term of 2023/2024. Those students are required to irrunediately contact their
respective supervisor no later than 2 (two) weeks after the announcement date. Students are also
required to fill out a Student Readiness Statement (SPKM) by accessing the following link:

Student Readiness Statement (SPKM) that has been filled out by students must be submitted to
Study Program no later than 2 (two) weeks after the announcement of thesis supervisor. Students
are also required to apply thesis (‘ tugas akhir’ ) on SlAP.
Thank you for your attention.

Semarang, 11 September 2023
Chairman of Study Program

Agung Juliarto, S.E., M.Si., Akt., Ph.D.

Daftar Nama Mahasiswa dan Dosen Pembimbing Skripsi


Posted on

September 11, 2023