FIRST TERM OF 2023/2024
No. 02IUN7 .F2.6.2/ AKJIXl2023
We hereby announce the list of students and their thesis supervisors (in appendix) for KIPS
application in first term of 2023/2024. Those students are required to irrunediately contact their
respective supervisor no later than 2 (two) weeks after the announcement date. Students are also
required to fill out a Student Readiness Statement (SPKM) by accessing the following link:
Student Readiness Statement (SPKM) that has been filled out by students must be submitted to
Study Program no later than 2 (two) weeks after the announcement of thesis supervisor. Students
are also required to apply thesis (‘ tugas akhir’ ) on SlAP.
Thank you for your attention.
Semarang, 11 September 2023
Chairman of Study Program
Agung Juliarto, S.E., M.Si., Akt., Ph.D.