Diponegoro University has just sent its best delegations to a competition on the international stage. The competition they attended was the Singapore Model United Nations (SMUN) 2023 which was held on June 6-9 at the National University of Singapore (NUS). The five best UNDIP students who have successfully departed to carry the name of UNDIP are Riva Imtinan Putri, Muhammad Fatih Khudri (Faculty of Political and Social Sciences), Dinda Putri Sananta, Nauval Hilmi (Faculty of Economics and Business/ Accounting Study Program), and Hisyam Muhammad Zain (Faculty of Engineering).

Model United Nations (MUN) itself is an example of a conference simulation from the United Nations (UN) whose participants are filled with students. In this MUN, delegates present arguments, make formal speeches, negotiate, debate, and formulate resolutions on topics raised in the committees they participate in. These committees are agencies within the United Nations, such as WHO, EU, ENEP, FAO, UNSC, SPECPOL, DISEC, Crisis Committee, and others. The language used in the MUN conference is English. In this competition there are five categories that delegates can win according to the committee they choose, including Best Delegate, Most Outstanding Delegate,Honorable Mention, Best Position Paper, and Verbal Commendation.

In this SMUN 2023 conference competition, UNDIP managed to win two championships won by Riva Imtinan Putri (Most Outstanding Delegate) and Dinda Putri Sananta (Best Position Paper) from Accounting Study Program